LOVE | EVOL(ved)

A film by Steven Pearce MD

There is something
beyond right and wrong


“Life becomes a series of unrepeatable miracles”

- Ralph Pearce MD

“Knowledge has two meanings: To know about. To know through experience.”

- Ron Hulnick, Phd

Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing
There is a field
I’ll meet you there”

- Jelaluddin Rumi

The Story of LOVE|EVOL(ved)

I have always been drawn to leaving a place better than I found it. Cliché, no doubt, but working in medicine, I saw over and over that a little effort in helping another human made a huge impact on their suffering. But eventually, I realized that how I was helping others was quite unhealthy for me. During my medical training to become a physician, I found myself stressed, overworked and burned out with paralyzing anxiety and depression. I lost myself in the process.

Eventually, my internal suffering became so severe I considered leaping off a balcony to end my life. But my impulse for suicide was interrupted by a phone call from my father, who had an intuition something was not right with me. That saving grace triggered something in me. I knew I had to answer a different calling – a calling to find that inner peace and that original innocence I had lost.

A large part of my interest in this work was brought to my attention by my father, a spiritual psychologist and physician. Seeing his desire to continually learn and grow sparked a long-dormant flame within me of determination to rise out of my anxiety and depression. I went on a worldwide pursuit to find the secrets of inner peace, and I found the answers by making the film LOVE|EVOL(ved).

I traveled the world interviewing and filming neuroscientists, theologians, philosophers, psychologists, and ordinary people in my life who lived lives exemplified by the qualities I was searching for. Initially based on science, my quest evolved into a progressively spiritual and enlightened path. This film honors the human experience in so many ways. We look at history, science, religion, and spirituality and how all these come together to tell a tale of the spiritual revolution that is ongoing right now in the world.

Inner peace in the modern age is a fascinating topic as it encompasses so many parts of life and various disciplines. Inner peace connects so many different cultures and religious beliefs, and finding common ground that unites all involved has been a significant interest to me throughout my life. It increases compassion, virtues, and joy worldwide and relieves unnecessary suffering. It is important. It is all that matters to me.

It has been my life's dream to create this film, and I can't wait to share it with you all and the world.

- Steven

Our Mission

You Are Not Alone

To empower physicians and medical professionals on their journey to greater mental health and enlightenment.

To relay established psychological principles and practices that are proven to enhance well-being and the experience of life.

To make information available that over time will impact and decrease the suicide rate of physicians and healthcare professionals.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

1 doctor commits suicide in the US daily – 1.87 times the general population.

2 out of 5 physicians report depression.

24% of physicians report anxiety.

15% of physicians had high PTSD and stress complaints.

What Clinicians Are Saying

LOVE|EVOL(ved) is impacting healthcare professionals around the globe

Laurel Lewis, Hospice Nurse

“Beautiful film.Your thoughtfulness and artistry, heart, intellect & intention shine through every detail. The music is subtle yet touching and it also feels like a good dance partner. I deeply appreciate the emphasis on family, legacy, change, willingness, and resilience. After the initial intro when you and your dad come out of the house for the "big reveal," the tone is set for presence & discovery. As a watcher I am invested by then.”

“In my second watch I'm even more stunned and impressed with the weaving, the intentions. The flow, us as channels, our need to self light, to turn toward our true selves, to allow ourselves to be "used' by Spirit hopefully in a surrendered joyful state.”

Mary Hulnick, PhD

“We have tears in our eyes, hearts full of Love, and deepest Gratitude to you for creating this  piece sharing your journey of Awakening and Ralph's too.   We loved every minute of it!   You wove together different perspectives in a way that is very honoring of their Essence and ultimately shared message.”

Dr. Lorraine Warren

“Love Evolved touches on many aspects of spirituality, humanity and consciousness, such as being authentic, peaceful, joyful and the tools one could use to get there.”

Robert McDavitt, Vice President NVISION Eye Centers

“Love evolved’s lasting message is that there is hope for myself and for so many people through the intentional search for spirituality, with separation from ego, and by doing so, our brains actually change/adapt. The disconnect from intrinsic to extrinsic, trying to change my insides by changing my outside is what the world offers,  and it will lead me to anxiety, depression, and a life that may be a success by the world's standards, but internally will lack significance. We are all “walking each other home.”

Dr. Cara Cockerill - ENT Surgeon

Dr. Fausto Meza - Chief Medical Officer Christus San Marcos Tx

Jeff Fitzgerald - Premedical Student and Medical Assistant

Dr. John Lee Sang - Pathologist

Dr. Robert Duran - General Surgeon